John Robert HALE

John Robert HALE

John'a Army Photo Written on back by Nell Inglis :-

My Cousin the late Mr Jack Hale (Nells's Husband) who served his time in the Dorsets

"Bottom row far left seated", 25 Years, of "Dunera" Sterte Rd Poole

(Also) - India Jack is first bottom left

Amity Cinema

Nellie Alice May Hart wrote in her autobiography about John Robert Hale "in the evenings he worked at the Amity Hall (flea house) in Poole High Street"

Amity Cinema Amity Cinema

Poole had its first encounter with moving pictures and animated photographs when the old Ancient Order of Oddfellows’ Amity Hall was used as the home for Poole’s first cinema.

The Amity Hall continued until the 14th June 1959 for a final farewell.

Amity Cinema

Advert from the Poole Guide 1929

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